What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol gets a bad rap. You’ve heard it’s a serious condition and a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. But, did you know that cholesterol is necessary for hormone production that balances your body chemistry and function?
Get the Facts about Cholesterol Levels
The Cause of High Cholesterol
Excess cholesterol can be caused by hormonal imbalance. As you age, your hormone levels decrease and your body overproduces cholesterol to compensate. The result? High cholesterol.
Learn more about hormone imbalance and alternative medicine for cholesterol in Dr. Dzugan’s book, Your Blood Doesn’t Lie.
Optimize Your Cholesterol Levels
Studies have shown that when optimum hormone levels are restored, 100% of the patients saw a drop in cholesterol levels. The average or mean in both studies was at a desirable level (under 200 mg/dL) after hormone restoration.
Our customized program of bio-identical hormones, supplements, and vitamins will help restore proper balance. We take blood samples to determine your hormone and body chemistry levels, and then develop a program to address your unique needs.
Reduce your number. Get Started Today.