We are the GMO Lab Rats

GMOs are now everywhere in the U.S. Approximately 92% of US corn and 94% of US soybeans are genetically engineered. What does it mean to be “genetically engineered?” It means that genes from other organisms have been spliced into the DNA of something else. Our corn, soybeans and potatoes now contain DNA from bacteria, tomatoes are being produced with flounder DNA, etc., etc. It is estimated that 75% of all processed foods on our grocery store shelves now contain some form of GMO ingredients. (1)

Have you noticed that there’s nothing on the labels that would let you know that? Monsanto and the other big players in GMO food are afraid we wouldn’t want to eat it if we knew where it was, so a huge campaign of secrecy has been funded by these multi-billion dollar companies. In addition to funding opposition to state referendums requiring GMO labeling, ($18 Million in Oregon & over $44 million in California – 2) their lobbyists in Washington have managed to get a bill passed in the House (H.R.1599) that prohibits states from passing ‘right to know” legislation..

In a classic case of political doublespeak, the bill was entitled the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014” It was renamed more accurately by its opponents the DARK act – “Deny Americans the Right to Know.” So, what is it that these companies don’t want you to think about?

Our FDA operates under the “substantially equivalent” criteria. This means that if a GMO crop contains comparable amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, etc. as a non-GMO crop, it is the same in the FDA’s eyes and thus requires no safety testing. Much of the rest of the world (over 60 countries) operates from the UN and WHO’s Codex Alimenatarius Commission position, which declared that all GMO food is required to go through rigorous safety testing. But not in the good old USA. Funny how GMO seeds can be “the same” when it comes to our health, but unique enough to be “patentable” when it comes to corporate profits.

As a matter of fact, President Obama promised in 2007 (3) that he would mandate GMO labeling if he became President. Instead, Obama appointed former Monsanto lawyer Michael Taylor the “Deputy Commissioner of Foods” in 2009. Are we seeing a pattern here yet?

So what’s the big deal? Decide for yourself. Here’s just one example: Soy proteins are in almost every form of baby formula on the US market. 94% of US soybeans are GMO. These soybeans began to be introduced to the market in the 90’s. Autism Spectrum Disorders now occur in ten times as many of our children as happened in studies done before 1990. (4) Other sources say that figure has gone from 3 in 10,000 before 1990 to 1 in 100 now. (5) Are these dates and figures related? Thanks to things like the “DARK” Act, we’ll never know, will we?

Luckily for us, it would seem that the folks who developed the “Frankenfish” GMO salmon didn’t have the funds necessary to lobby a “DARK Fish” Act. On page 106 of the latest Omnibus Spending Bill just passed, lawmakers instructed the Food and Drug Administration to forbid the sale of the genetically engineered salmon until the agency puts in place labeling guidelines and “a program to disclose to consumers” whether a fish has been genetically altered. (6)

What do I want your takeaway to be from this newsletter? Be very careful about what goes into your body. Just because there isn’t a big red sticker on something screaming “DANGER!” doesn’t mean that it is safe. The dangers may be in the fine print or may not be disclosed at all. Ours is becoming an increasingly toxic world. We all need to think a lot more about our health that we used to have to.

And, self-servingly, the more you think about your health, the more sense a Program like ours will make to you.

If you’d like to see the kind of results we get, have a look at this testimonial video from Bonnie & Brian Davis:

If you’d rather read about our work and have a book to pass around to your friends, call us and order a copy of Dr. Dzugan’s Latest book “The Menopause Cure: Hormonal Health. List is $13.99 – your price only $10 + shipping.

If you like what you see or read, now is a great time to get started on a DzLogic Program. Our 25% off Holiday Sale runs through 12/31/15. Call for details. 866-225-4877

1. http://www.centerforfoodsafety.org/issues/311/ge-foods/about-ge-foods#
2. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/economic-intelligence/2015/07/30/dont-stop-states-from-passing-gmo-labeling-laws
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqaaB6NE1TI&feature=youtu.be
4. http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/news/20021231/cdc-autism-rates-higher-than-thought
5. http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/12/cdc-study-expected-to-announce-1-in-100-autism-ratea-startling-50-jump-in-just-.html
6. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2015/12/17/congress-to-fda-no-genetically-engineered-salmon-in-supermarkets-unless-it-is-labeled/

Psychotropic Drugs and Mass Shootings – Connected?

The San Bernadino slaughter is now known to have been a terrorist attack. But what about all of the others?

There is a growing body of evidence that the widespread use of psychotropic drugs is somehow connected to the growing rash of mass shootings in the United States. How widespread are we talking about? The latest figure I can find is $70 billion in sales for 2010.  It is estimated that more that 20% of the population now regularly takes psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs prescribed by their physicians.

What qualifies as a psychotropic drug? These are pharmaceuticals that are designed to change behavior or mood: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, OCD, ADD/ADHD, etc. When someone takes an occasional Valium for muscle spasms in their back, it isn’t classified as psychotropic use. When someone takes it every day for anxiety relief, it is.

What’s the connection to mass shootings? The time line. Back in the 50’s there were basically no psychotropic drugs and no mass shootings. There were plenty of guns around, so that wasn’t it. You could buy anything you wanted by simply mailing a check in. I owned a rifle and a pistol by the time I was 14 (1968) but I only shot tin cans and bottles – no people.

In the 60’s, Valium was so new that the Rolling Stone’s had a hit song about “Mother’s Little Helper.” Sales were so good that pharmaceutical manufacturers saw the profit potential and started cranking out their own ways to manage people’s ‘feelings.’ How profitable are they? Thirty of the ‘latest/greatest’ psychotropic Abilify will cost you $1000. That’s for 30 tiny pills. A one-month supply. No wonder sales of that drug alone topped $7 Billion last year.

As time past, these drugs became stronger and use became more widespread. Now it seems that more hyperactive kids are being given Ritalin that “time outs.” It took a Federal Law to stop school systems from forcing parents to drug their children by withholding education from those children if they aren’t drugged.

So now, in 2015, over 20% of people from 6 years old up are being given psychotropic drugs that have become “the standard of care” as a result of pharmaceutical company sales tactics that label any behavior or mood outside of some idyllic “norm” a newly created “disease.”

Author Diane McGuinness said it beautifully in The Limits of Biological Treatments for Psychological Distress – “The past 25 years has led to a phenomenon almost unique in history. Methodologically rigorous research . . . indicates that ADD [Attention Deficit Disorder] and hyperactivity as “syndromes” simply do not exist. We have invented a disease, given it medical sanction, and now must disown it.”

How’s that related to mass shootings? As the use of psychotropic drugs has increased, so has the incidence of mass shootings. Let’s take a look at some of the known side effects of these drugs.

Suicidal and/or violent behavior, sexual dysfunction, manic behavior, crying spells, insomnia – just to name a few. There’s also nausea, vertigo, an increased risk of diabetes, etc., but those aren’t pertinent to this conversation. What is pertinent is what we know about these shooters:

Eric Harris, 17, Columbine HS – Zoloft and Luvox. His partner’s records are sealed.
13 dead (+ the 2 shooters), 23 others wounded.

Adam Lanza, 20, Sandy Hook Elementary – Lexapro and Celexa
27 murdered + his own suicide.

Jeff Weiss, 16, Red Lake HS – Prozac
10 dead, 12 wounded

Aaron Alexis, 34, Washington Navy Yard – Trazadone
13 dead (including Aaron), 3 wounded

The list could go on and one, but I think I’ve made my point. Dr. Peter Breggin, MD Psychiatrist spells it out in this video as well:

The takeaway I’d like you to have is this: Even though psychotropic drugs have become common and accepted as the “standard of care”, don’t forget that their purpose is to change brain chemistry by use of chemicals that are completely foreign to the human body. The reaction you may have is completely unknown. If you, or your children, or your grandchildren are prescribed these medications, please remember to be cautious. Be very cautious.

flu vaccine alternatives

Flu Vaccine Alternatives

Flu shots are a $3 Billion a year business that is so profitable that the makers can even make it profitable for discount drug stores to push them. But is that shot of 99% water of any real value to you? 

I’d like you to consider a few things and then decide for yourself.

First and foremost, one of the things that gets lost in the hype is that flu shots are not antivirals – they are vaccines. They have no direct effect on influenza viruses whatsoever. The components in these shots are designed to create a reaction in your immune system, and the weaker your immune system, the less they do. So they work the least for the people who need them most.

To compensate for this, Sanofi Pasteur created a vaccine for seniors with 4 times the active elements – Fluzone High Dose. But let’s go back to the idea that these shots cause a reaction in your immune system and take a look at whether or not you want 4 times as much of some of the mostly hidden reactions theses drugs cause.

Almost all vaccines contains heavy metals; mercury (“thimerosal”) as a preservative and aluminum as a “response enhancer” or adjuvant. These metals alone can suppress and alter your immune system and brain function because they are neurotoxins.

Foreign RNA/DNA from the animal base these vaccines are made from can cause intense reactions in some people, including the onset of autoimmune diseases.

Vaccines can trigger allergic reactions because of these same animal elements – primarily proteins – being injected directly into your system instead of being broken down by your digestive system.

Vaccines can also pose an immediate risk to your cardiovascular system. A 2007 study published in Annals of Medicine (1) concluded “Abnormalities in arterial function and LDL oxidation may persist for at least 2 weeks after a slight inflammatory reaction induced by influenza vaccination.”

The bottom line is that people get sick and die from these vaccines. As an example, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Australian “public health experts have called for an independent body to monitor drug safety after it emerged thatyoung children were more likely to end up in hospitals because of side effects from a flu vaccine than they were from the disease itself.

So what can you do instead? Manage your Vitamin D levels first and foremost.

A study at the Oregon State University and the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center discovered that Vitamin D is necessary for the activation of our “innate immune system”, a primal, first line of defense system that is controlled by what used to be thought of as “junk” DNA. The study, published in BMC Genomics, (2) showed that Vitamin D is necessary for the activation of a genetic element that generates a chemical response which not only kills pathogens but has additional biological roles as well.

Vitamin D3 (the form created naturally and used by humans) is created when UV radiation reacts with your skin and becomes the hormone 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-D) once it is activated in the kidneys. And, like most hormones, 1,25-D is involved in a multitude of body processes. Not only does it activate the innate immune system mentioned above, it also modulates the adaptive immune system which mounts a defense against a myriad of pathogens and then retains antibodies that create immunity to those pathogens in the future.

How does an optimal Vitamin D3 level compare with a Flu Shot? Here’s an example:

Dr. John J. Cannell was a psychiatrist at Atascadero State Hospital in California. In 2005, an influenza A epidemic broke out in the hospital. One by one, each ward became infected. Patients came down with chills, fever, cough, and severe body aches. Only one ward remained free of infection: Dr. Cannell’s.

Why? His patients intermingled with patients from other wards. And they were not noticeably different in terms of age, health, or medical treatment. The only difference? Dr. Cannell’s patients had been receiving a daily dose of Vitamin D for several months. That’s it – and not one of them caught the flu! Compare that with the ~43% success rate of flu vaccines last year. This experience led him to research and publish a paper on epidemic influenza and Vitamin D. (3)

Some extra Vitamin C won’t hurt either!

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?cmd=retrieve&list_uids=17701480

2. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2164/10/321

3. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2870528/

Menopause Woman – The Menopause Cure

I’m Jill D. Davey, author of ‘The Menopause Cure: Hormonal Health’ which is available to buy from Amazon from October 6, 2015.

There are a number of reasons I wanted to write my book, one was to share my story of the menopause, and the other was to share the information I found whilst researching and studying restorative medicine. Women are suffering needlessly all the time when there is a viable, safe, and effective solution out there – The Menopause Cure. The overall goal of my book is to offer women that alternative, and to explain that there is no need to suffer in silence or be fobbed off by doctors saying, “It’s just the menopause.” I desperately wanted to share my knowledge and show women there was another way, a better way. When I started going through the menopause, it brought changes I didn’t understand. Every day of the week there was a different problem: mood swings, lack of energy, can’t-cope syndrome, grumpy, a generally unhappy person. A personality change had occurred, and I really didn’t like myself anymore. I was tearing my hair out. Help!

However, I was determined that the menopause wouldn’t defeat me, wouldn’t stifle my career or break up my family. I decided that I had to make this inevitable destiny an enjoyable one. I set out to find the Menopause Cure.

I went to many doctors and gynaecologists to find a solution, but to no avail. All I got was a mixture of anger and ignorance. My anger and their ignorance. I was not getting the answers I wanted! This is when I decided to begin my in depth research into restorative medicine – finally I discovered something that would change my life forever. Something other than the ‘high risk’ chemical HRT that was continually being offered to me. What I discovered was a natural, no risk solution – Bioidentical Hormone Restorative Therapy (BHRT), and its leading proponent – Dr. Dzugan.

Now my life, my hormones, and my energy are back to where they should be, and yours can be too. Women no longer need to put up with being told “It’s only the menopause, it’ll pass!” We can do something about it, so let’s do it! We can restore our hormones and get back the you that you once were! This was the best decision I ever made in my life.

Women should know all the facts about menopause and what it actually is. Our hormones are declining and we are aging, and there is something we can do about it! Turn back the clock, open all those doors that have been violently closed! Shout out to the World “I am coming out, and have nothing to be ashamed of! “I am a menopausal women and I am proud of it!” I am a menopausal woman, who restored her body and got her ‘mojo’ back! Yes, you heard right, ‘there ain’t no stopping me now’. You shouldn’t stop either.

Jill D Davey’s book The Menopause Cure: Hormonal Health is out on October 6th and available to buy on amazon.com for £8.99. For further information visit www.menopausewoman.com.

Who Can You Trust When It Comes To Your Health? Yourself

A story in US News & World Report caught my eye last month because of the precedent-setting implications it has for healthcare in the US. An Irish pharmaceutical company sued the FDA for “First Amendment” rights to promote “off-label” uses of a drug. They won.

To quote one of their lawyers, James Beck, “This is the first case where a company has achieved the right, for First Amendment purposes, to engage in off-label promotion.” “Off-Label” use is one for which the drug has not received FDA approval.

That used to be illegal! As a matter of fact, the largest criminal and civil judgments in history have been against pharmaceutical companies for doing that very thing. And now it isn’t – at least in the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes New York, Connecticut, and Vermont.

The problem is that now, legal precedence has been set. Other courts will tend to review cases with this one in mind and may very well conclude that the question of “off-label” promotion has been (in legal language) “asked and answered.”

The US is the only significant market in the world without any price controls on pharmaceuticals. We are where Big Pharma makes its billions in profit. That’s why every US television channel is inundated with drug ads. Where there are billions to be made, there are millions available to advertise.

That kind of advertising is one of the reasons 25% of everyone over 40 in the US is now on a statin cholesterol-lowering drug – in spite of the alarming side effects and lack of impact on mortality. Advertising creates demand, demand fuels sales, and sales justify even more advertising!

Now that the pharmaceutical companies may be free to promote even more vigorously, who knows what they’ll be pushing down our throats next? These are some of the largest companies in the world, and they are designed to make money, period.

Doctors in the US are already overloaded between patient care, government-mandated paperwork and fighting with insurance companies to get paid for their work. (Trust me, I’ve been speaking with them almost daily for the last 8 years or so.) As evidence of this overload, consider that 440,000 of the deaths in the headline above are the result of “preventable adverse events” in hospitals. Our doctors simply can’t personally investigate every claim made at medical conferences and echoed across 300 million TV sets. They are working hard to keep their practices open amongst all of the regulations and paperwork while still trying to maintain the highest standards of patient care.

What does this mean to you and me? It comes down to this: To survive and thrive in a world that has increasingly become a Pharmacracy, we have to take care of ourselves and our loved ones personally. We have to think and investigate, not simply follow the propaganda we see on TV, in magazines, etc.

When you do, we think you’ll see the undeniable logic to a more natural way of achieving and maintaining your health. A way that optimizes your own body’s ability to heal itself, rather than becoming addicted to more drugs with fewer results year after year.

The Trouble With Statins

Statins are a class of drugs used to treat hypercholesterolemia—high cholesterol.

A good example of the failure of drugs to effectively and safely treat a serious medical condition is statins. Statins are a class of drugs used to treat hypercholesterolemia—high cholesterol. As of 2008, statins were the best‐selling prescription drugs in the world, with $20 billion sold per year in the United States alone. Although many studies show that statins provide primary prevention, the long‐term tolerability of these drugs is highly questionable. Statins can reduce total cholesterol in the blood and thus help decrease the incidence of coronary heart disease, but the use of statins is also associated with muscle pain and weakness, dizziness, cognitive impairment, peripheral neuropathy, and an increased risk of noncardiovascular death.

For example, when we review the results of major primary prevention trials, we find that the 15 percent decrease in deaths from heart disease in patients who were using cholesterol‐lowering drugs (CLD) is offset by increases in deaths from other conditions. One area of concern is cancer: Two popular classes of CLDs—fibrates and statins—cause cancer and liver damage in rodents. A significant increase in cancer incidence, especially gastrointestinal cancer, has been seen in people who take CLDs. Use of CLDs also increases cancer at the expense of decreasing deaths from cardiovascular conditions, especially among the elderly and people who are being treated with immunotherapy for cancer. There is also evidence of a relationship between cancer and statin dosing. Yet another area of concern is stroke. Low or reduced levels of serum cholesterol have been shown to increase the risk of death from hemorrhagic stroke.

Impact of Drugs on Hormones

Although we have not yet fully explained the major role hormones play in restorative medicine, here we want to point out the potentially devastating impact the use of drugs can have on hormone levels and balance in the human body. Studies show that cholesterol‐lowering drugs, for example, can cause hormone level abnormalities. Some research indicates that statin use disturbs testosterone levels, while specific drugs seem to target certain hormones. The statin, mevastatin, for example, can significantly decrease the production  of progesterone and testosterone, while clofibrate has a similar effect on testosterone and cortisol.

At an even more basic level, the use of synthetic hormones, rather than bioidentical hormones, can disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance. The human body contains all the elements it needs to process natural hormones when they occur in their natural proportions. When you introduce synthetic hormones, the human body does not metabolize them in the same way it does bioidentical hormones. That’s because synthetic hormones are not hormones; like drugs, they are foreign substances.

The Trouble with Cholesterol‐Lowering Drugs

  • The range of side effects caused by CLDs ranges from 4 to 38 percent in many studies, but has been seen to rise as high as nearly 75 percent in some trials (especially for cerivastatin and pravastatin).
  • Most patients who begin cholesterol‐lowering therapy stop it within one year: studies show 60 percent of patients discontinued their medication over 12 months, and only about 33 percent of patients ever reach their treatment goals.
  • The most common side effects of CLDs are abdominal pain, chest pain, dizziness, asthenia/fatigue, fibromyalgia, headache, insomnia, elevated transaminase levels in the liver, upper respiratory tract infection; also eczema, rashes, cramps, exercise intolerance, severe rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, and poor quality of life.
  • Statins deplete coenzyme Q10, a substance that is important for heart health. Supplementation with CoQ10 should be pursued to offset the dangers of statin drugs to the heart.
  • Statins may impair heart pumping function due to their myopathic effects.
  • Other conditions that may occur as a result of taking statins include erectile dysfunction, dementia, memory loss, severe irritability, peripheral neuropathy, restlessness, lupus‐like syndrome, pleurisy, arthralgia, tachyphylaxis, and mental confusion.

Get your FREE e-Book today, Dr. Dzugan’s “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie” and learn more about our program and how it can help you.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Scroll to the bottom of the Dzugan PhysioLogic home page and grab your free ebook, a free consultation with one of our Doctors, or just give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 Option 2 today to speak with an experienced advisor.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.

What is the Primary Cause of Disease?

This entry is part 4 of 8 in the series What is DzLogic?

The main goal of our Restorative Medicine Program is to bring a person’s hormone levels back to what is optimal for each individual at age 25 to 30.

What is restorative medicine?

It is the restoration of optimal physiology. It is a whole‐body concept because it affects every organ system, from our head to our toes. Restorative Medicine logically forces a new principle: that many diseases are the result of an imbalance of body chemistry, and once we restore balance and physiology we can correct the cause of the majority of diseases. This is the new message that must be heard, and will be heard because it is logical, it is rooted in science, and it is based on clinical results.

The concepts of Restorative Medicine in this book are based on the lifetime work of Sergey A. Dzugan, MD, PhD, who has fine tuned this concept and identified specific essential hormones and nutrients that need to be brought back into equilibrium or balanced to achieve optimal health, and a body able to fight disease. Using our Restorative Medicine Program, clinicians and patients can enter a brave new world in healing and will be able to effectively prevent or treat diseases and syndromes that result from imbalances, such as atherosclerosis, arthritis, migraine, fibromyalgia, menopause, depression, erectile dysfunction, and many others.

What Causes Disease?

To better understand what Restorative Medicine is all about, let’s first consider some basic concepts. One is, What causes disease? Once you know what causes a disease or disorder, you have a more solid foundation upon which to find ways to prevent and treat it. Disease can be caused by one of four factors:

  • Genetics/Congenital: Conditions such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Down’s syndrome, congenital heart disease, and sickle cell have clear genetic or congenital causes. In addition, many diseases also have a genetic component, meaning that genetics plays a role in the development of the condition, but it is a risk factor, and not the primary cause. That is, you can inherit a tendency to develop a certain disease.
  • Infections: Diseases clearly caused by an infectious organism, which include viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. Some examples include pneumonia, meningitis, colds/flu, urinary tract infections, bone infections, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
  • Trauma: A fall, automobile accident, or other physical trauma can cause brain hemorrhage, post‐traumatic epilepsy, and brain injuries.
  • Acquired physiologic errors: The majority of people who have disease have one or more that has been caused by acquired physiologic errors, or imbalances. Conditions such as heart disease, cancer, depression, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, fatigue, ulcerative colitis, atherosclerosis, and many others fall into this category. This is the category of disease addressed by the Restorative Medicine approach.

Restorative Medicine treats the errors of physiology by restoring the body’s hormones and nutrients to optimal levels. Normally, the body strives to keep a healthy ratio between different hormones. For example, some of the hormones that work together and for which we have identified an optimal ratio are DHEA and cortisol, and estrogen and progesterone. When hormone levels and ratios are not balanced, there is a breakdown in bodily functions.

Although we talk about hormones in much detail in Chapter 3, here we just want to say that critical hormones such as DHEA, pregnenolone, testosterone, and others begin to decline around age 35. Perhaps the most important thing that happens when hormone levels begin to decline is that the body tries to correct the problem by increasing production of cholesterol. To help prevent or correct this response and others launched by the body when hormone levels fall, the main goal of our Restorative Medicine Program is to bring a person’s hormone levels back to what is optimal for each individual at age 25 to 30.

Stop feeling sluggish, achy and out of sync, call us today! 1-866-225-4877, option 2. 

Get your FREE e-Book today, Dr. Dzugan’s “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie” and learn more about our program and how it can help you.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Scroll to the bottom of the Dzugan PhysioLogic home page and grab your free ebook, a free consultation with one of our Doctors, or just give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 Option 2 today to speak with an experienced advisor.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.

Your Body and Cholesterol – Why You Need it to Survive

Cholesterol is a most vital element in the body. 

Recall that cholesterol is a most vital element in the body. It is the great progenitor, builder of cells and creator of hormones. Obviously, building cells and creating hormones can be considered a pretty good thing for the body, what with that being a necessary component of being defined as alive versus dead. Through long chains of conversions, cholesterol is ultimately responsible for creating more or less that which makes us run properly.

Going back to the issues of cause and effect, we believe that by this rather simple reasoning (and with observational data) a hypothesis can be established regarding hypercholesterolemia. In our hormone deficit hypothesis of hypercholesterolemia, we state that hypercholesterolemia is the reactive consequence of enzyme-dependent down regulation (whenever a cell creates less of a certain component) of steroid hormone creation and their interconversion.1 Simply put, the cholesterol level increases as a compensatory mechanism for the decreased production of steroid hormones. That is certainly a mouthful, but we can break it down quite easily.

Cholesterol creates hormones. What happens when hormone levels decrease, whether naturally via age or through other means? The said compensatory mechanism kicks in and the agent which is responsible for the formation of new hormones is created in greater numbers. Hormones fall, cholesterol production is increased to greater numbers to try and restore the balance. However, this is when the problem arises. The compensatory mechanism is unfortunately trying to fix the wrong thing. The compensatory mechanism has the right idea but is not working on fixing the actual problem. If increased cholesterol requirement to create more steroid hormones was the problem, then this would fix hormone levels. Unfortunately it does not, and steroid hormone levels remain low. Extra cholesterol production does not fix the malfunctioning enzymes.
The body can keep throwing cholesterol at the decreased hormone levels all day, but it is attempting to fix the problem with the wrong means. There isn’t some magical point where suddenly cholesterol becomes less effective. Consider that an optimally balanced body has an optimum level of cholesterol and an optimum level of hormones, for the body in question (this is important, because the human body is not a statistical variable and everyone is unique). If the problem arose from an increased need of cholesterol, then logically the increased level of cholesterol would in turn raise hormones to an optimal level. This is not the case.

Cholesterol increases, but hormone levels stay low. The underlying fault working, or not working in this case, is the enzymes that are responsible for the myriad of interconversions through which cholesterol turns into hormones (which are converted into other hormones, also via enzymes). The building supplies are increased, but the problem is not a lack of supplies but instead the construction workers not putting the building supplies in their place via proper application. As a consequence, the body keeps the level of cholesterol elevated accordingly. In this sense, cholesterol takes on more than ever the function of a biological marker. The elevated level shows that the production of hormones is not optimized according to the needs of the body in regards to hormones.

From our point of view, in such a situation the most optimal steps to take would lead to the restoration of normal enzyme function, such as the enzyme that converts cholesterol into pregnenolone or the various enzymes that control other hormonal interconversions. In the case of an enzyme deficiency, they can be simply replaced or restored. This will allow for the restoration of normal physiological pathways instead of their suppression. We think that drug companies should focus on such an approach instead of trying to disrupt the body’s normal physiology.
While speaking of cholesterol disorders, we can look at hypocholesterolemia. The work flow, so to speak, is reversed in this situation. While hypercholesterolemia is caused by low steroid hormone production, hypocholesterolemia causes low steroid hormone production. The hyper version sees a situation where the building blocks start to pile up because there is not enough builders to route them as needed, while the hypo version is a situation where there aren’t enough building blocks in the first place.

In other words, there are many paths to a malfunctioning system. A very easy example would be a statin drug, which interferes with HMG-CoA reductase, which has the overall effect of disrupting cholesterol production. Thus, the level of hormones decreases due to the lower level of cholesterol. This happens because there is less of what we can describe as the steroid hormone building block to go around.

One could argue, however, that this is an artificially created impediment to the regular function of the system. If someone were to shoot you in the arm, then the movement of that arm will be impaired. Your arm now suffers a handicap that was not there initially due to this outside force. How does this take into account individuals who naturally have lower levels of cholesterol? Once again, the uniqueness of each human being must be pointed out. Many malfunctions can occur in the long pathway of conversion before cholesterol is even formed.

Cholesterol is not simply created as a whole particle and let loose upon the body. Bits and pieces join together and convert into other parts with the help of various agents. All it takes is just one of those steps or parts not working to their full potential to cause a cascading chain reaction of impaired production. 

To learn more about cholesterol and the effect it has on your body, purchase Dr. Dzugan’s book “The Magic of Cholesterol Numbers” on Amazon.

Get your FREE e-Book today, Dr. Dzugan’s “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie” and learn more about our program and how it can help you.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Scroll to the bottom of the Dzugan PhysioLogic home page and grab your free ebook, a free consultation with one of our Doctors, or just give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 Option 2 today to speak with an experienced advisor.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.

Side Effects of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

The most common side effects of CLD include chest pain, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, and upper respiratory tract infections.

The following is an excerpt from Dr. Dzugan’s book “The Magic of Cholesterol Numbers” and goes into detail about how cholesterol-lowering drugs (or CLDs) can change your quality of life: 

Where do cholesterol-lowering drugs (CLD) come into the picture? After all, these drugs are the things that all the fear against cholesterol is leveraged for. Do they directly work to fix the issue which causes the rise in cholesterol? Or perhaps by lowering cholesterol they enable a mechanism to go into action to restore cholesterol to previous normal levels, which by extension fixes the issue that was associated with the abnormal level of cholesterol in the first place? Such an effect from these agents certainly would be wonderful. It would be wonderful if this is also what actually happened.

Delving into the world of CLDs, it quickly becomes apparent that there is no single CLD, but instead we find out that CLD is a blanket term for several types of agents.

Statins, which are HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, are perhaps the more famous ones if by fame we can refer to a beastly income coupled with a large advertising budget. Statins also pack the greatest punch, as they affect the basic mechanisms of cholesterol synthesis in a major way. They actually cut off cholesterol before it can be made.

The most common side effects of CLD include chest pain, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia, and upper respiratory tract infections. Statins and fibrates may cause erectile dysfunction. This one, in particular, is important, and not just for the men. Earlier we noted studies where high cholesterol was present in men with erectile dysfunction. If high cholesterol was the actual cause of this issue, wouldn’t it stand to reason that a lowered level of cholesterol would help with this instead of being a cause of it? Adverse events from CLD include reduced quality of life, eczema, skin rashes, severe rhabdomyolysis (the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue), renal failure, and death.

To read more about the world of Cholesterol numbers, get Dr. Dzugan’s book “The Magic of Cholesterol Numbers.”

Get your FREE e-Book today, Dr. Dzugan’s “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie” and learn more about our program and how it can help you.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Scroll to the bottom of the Dzugan PhysioLogic home page and grab your free ebook, a free consultation with one of our Doctors, or just give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 Option 2 today to speak with an experienced advisor.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.

Clean Up Your Gut, Manage Your Migraine

You are what your gut absorbs. – Dr. Dzugan in “The Migraine Cure”

The phrase “you are what you eat” is only partially accurate. In reality, you are what your gut absorbs. The difference in emphasis is especially important in today’s world because so much of the food in supermarkets and restaurants is contaminated and/or deficient in important nutrients. On one hand, you are exposed to substances you don’t want to absorb like pesticides, artificial flavorings and coloring, hormones, preservatives, steroids and more. When the gut is constantly exposed to toxic substances and deprived of essential nutrients, your digestive enzymes are inactivated, your intestinal tract weakens and your overall health suffers.

A healthy, well-functioning gut contains at least 85 percent friendly bacteria and no more than 15 percent of unfriendly bacteria. The balance can be upset by various factors including:

  • The use of painkillers, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Diarrhea caused by harmful bacteria or viruses, something common among those who suffer chronic migraines
  • Use of antibiotics
  • Surgical procedures performed on the bowel
  • An unhealthy diet
  • Emotional stress
  • Exposure to chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy

How can you get rid of your migraines for good? We can help! Learn more about how you can get started with the DzLogic program. To learn more about what causes migraines, read Dr. Dzugan’s book ” The Migraine Cure.”

Get your FREE e-Book today, Dr. Dzugan’s “Your Blood Doesn’t Lie” and learn more about our program and how it can help you.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Scroll to the bottom of the Dzugan PhysioLogic home page and grab your free ebook, a free consultation with one of our Doctors, or just give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 Option 2 today to speak with an experienced advisor.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.