Dr. Dzugan describes the Restorative Medicine concept.

Just Exactly What is ‘Restorative Medicine?’

Restorative Medicine treats people – not symptoms or diseases.

Restorative Medicine treats Peoplenot symptoms or diseases.

Conventional medicine focuses on isolated “symptoms” and “diseases”, through an ever-widening array of specialty drugs and specialist doctors.

Your Human Body is an incredibly complex set of highly interactive systems. Each of these systems is dependent upon the other systems, and all of them are dependent upon your body chemistry. We all know that without the proper vitamins, minerals and nutrients, your body can’t operate properly. But did you know that without the right levels and balance of hormones, your body will begin to develop all of the diseases associated with aging?

As you get older, your hormone levels will naturally drop – dramatically.  Unfortunately, it’s like a built-in self-destruct mechanism.  The result of that drop is the breakdown of your body.

The word “hormone” is derived from the Greek word hormo, which means “to set in motion.” That’s exactly what hormones do: they regulate, stimulate, and control an endless list of critical tasks and functions, depending on their origin.

Hormones are chemical substances that are manufactured by specialized glands or tissues that produce and secrete them on demand. It’s been said that hormones are the ultimate messengers: these complex chemicals transport information from the brain to the glands, from the glands to the cells, and from the cells back to the brain, so they truly control every part of the body.

Restorative Medicine balances and optimizes overall body chemistry using bioidentical hormones, vitamins, minerals, herbal extracts, probiotics, ‘superfoods’, etc. It is a natural way of returning your physiology to its proper state so that your body can heal itself.

Restorative Medicine is a return to the core value of rebuilding your body chemistry – so that your body has what it needs to repair itself. It’s as simple as you taking some extra Vitamin C to help your immune system – or as complex as every interactive system in your body combined when done by DzLogic.

Restorative Medicine is also often called Physiologic Medicine because Physiology is the study of the proper functioning of the human body. Thus the name “Dzugan PhysioLogic.” It’s just the logical way to go about helping the body heal.

Here’s Dr. Dzugan himself describing Physiologic Medicine and why it is so much better for you than becoming dependent upon drugs that only treat symptoms.

In the next issue, I’ll introduce you to Dr. Dzugan and why I trust him with my life.

Because every person’s body chemistry is different, we work closely with you to develop a personalized program that improves your overall Quality of Life.

Visit our Getting Started page for more information, or give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 today.

DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.

Beware the Char! Too much sitting - for your job or in front of the TV - can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, cancer and a shorter life span.

Too Much Sitting Can Harm You In Many Ways

More and more evidence is coming out that excessive sitting can wreck your health.

Why you need to get up and move.

The American College of Cardiology presented a study on March 15, 2015, showing sedentary time (sitting) is directly linked to coronary artery calcification; independent of other exercise and traditional cardiovascular disease risk factors. Arterial calcification (hardening of the arteries) is a major component of serious heart disease.

The Annals of Internal Medicine published a meta-analysis review of 47 papers showing increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and all-cause death associated with sedentary lifestyles.

The study didn’t define an exact “danger point” for too much sitting, but “if you sit more than 8 hours a day, that’s probably linked to a lot of the negative health effects,” said the study’s lead researcher, Aviroop Biswas, a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto.

What Can You Do?

Get up! It is that simple, and yet will feel unnatural at first. Here are a couple of strategies:

  1. Set a recurring timer on your desk that will beep at you every 45 minutes to an hour. Every time it goes off you get up, stretch out and maybe do a few deep knee bends to get your blood flowing into all the right places again.
  2. Do the same at home on every commercial break while you’re watching TV.
  3. Set a small glass of water (6 oz.) on your desk. After your stretch, drink the water and then go refill the glass. This will keep you hydrated as well as moving.
  4. Get a wireless headset for your office phone so that you can stand up and walk around while taking or making calls.

The above studies noted that sedentary behavior increased with a combination of age, declining health,  and overall energy level. An optimized body chemistry program can reverse many of the effects of aging while helping protect you from the diseases mentioned.

Visit our Getting Started page for more information, or give us a call at 1-866-225-4877 today.


DISCLAIMER: This blog is for informational purposes only. It does not replace medical care from a licensed physician. If you have a medical concern, please contact DzLogic at 1-866-225-4877.